Research Process

So far my research process is going really well. I have more than enough resources and information available to me. I have already conducted an interview. i have also been working on the design aspect of my paper. I want something that is different and eye catching. I know that sometimes research papers can be boring and I really want to make mine fun and interesting to read because this subject is very important and personal to me. Since this is informative I will not be putting much personal input but I am getting prepared to add some personal opinions for my persuasive.

This video is emotional, I chose to share this video because it relates to me a lot, unfortunately. I am thankful every single day for what my parents have been able to provide me with. I now have the opportunity to make their sacrifices count by being successful and reaching my full potential.


Hello, my name is Micaela Gonzalez, I am a freshman here at FIU. I’m really artistic and creative and I love expressing myself through art, fashion and makeup. I live with my parents and brother and sister in Davie. I love animals and I’m currently looking for new ways to volunteer in aiding them. I have three cats and two dogs, one of which recently passed away due to cancer 😦 I wish I could have more pets but my house is at full capacity. I enjoy going to the gym, doing yoga, and I love trying new things and being adventurous. I am a very funny outgoing person but I can also be very shy and introverted at times because I do enjoy being alone sometimes.

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I chose FIU because I want to major in Hospitality and Tourism Management and what better place to do so than Miami. I plan on specializing in Event Management and owning my own company someday. I will be the first person in my family to obtain a degree. My parents moved here from Argentina when I was just three years old and have made countless sacrifices and faced many tribulations to provide me with the opportunities I have today. I am a very dedicated student and plan on trying my hardest to stay on track and get involved.

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Google Images: Weddings, Chaplin School FIU

Writing History

To be completely honest, I do not typically enjoy writing. I have enjoyed previous writing courses because my teachers were intriguing or the topics weren’t as boring as expected. I took AP Language and Composition my junior year in high school, I did enjoy the class because the teacher was very avid and comical. Unfortunately after enduring countless essays, I did not receive credit for the class because of the exam 😦 Senior year I decided not to give up on writing, I again took a rigorous course: AP Literature. My teacher was awesome and I enjoyed reading classics like 1984, Great Expectations, TEWWG, Grendel etc. I worked even harder this time, still struggling but I managed to pass the exam. I have the ENC 1101 credit but I don’t have the 1102 so here I am! I didn’t expect to like this class very much, just because I don’t enjoy writing but I am enjoying these first few classes and I am happy to be here today and everyday.

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Google Images: Big Brother Meme, Grendel, Great Expectations


As a Person:

  • I am very organized and neat, I like to color code everything, it helps with being efficient and on time.
  • I am really creative, I spend a lot of my time doing arts and crafts and finding new ways to express myself.
  • Math has always been one of my strengths, I enjoy working with numbers and equations.
  • Once I set my mind to something I give it my 100%, dedication is a really important quality to me.
  • I love learning about new things, ways, people etc. I’m very open minded and willing to learn something new.

As a Writer:

  • Organized
  • Good Vocabulary
  • A lot of Insight
  • Professional


As a Person:

  • Since I am a perfectionist, I can get a bit controlling, everything has to be my way and sometimes I can go overboard in making that happen.
  • Every once in a while we all get reallly lazy and stay in bed, or sleep in when we shouldn’t.
  • I like to be very independent and rely on myself, that doesn’t mix well when working in teams.

As a Writer:

  • Getting started
  • Sentence structures
  • Unorganized ideas
  • Lack of motivation


I love Netflix, I’m pretty sure I use it every single day. Some of my favorite shows are The Office, Gossip Girl, Parks and Rec, any CSI, FBI, Law and Order tv show, Lost, Breaking Bad, Prison Break and so many more. I also enjoy scary movies, my favorite being Sinister. I’m from Argentina so I’m obligated to be into soccer, I do enjoy the games but I only really get into it when Fifa comes around. I like all types of music except country, I love bands like RHCP, Green Day, Coldplay and Imagine Dragons. I also listen to more pop music like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

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Google Images: The Office meme, Gossip Girl

Fall Semester 2015 Goals

This semester I hope to transition into college smoothly. I am very excited to be at FIU and be a part of this community. I want to get involved as much as possible and make new friends and memories. I am also looking for a job nearby so I can hopefully move onto campus next fall. My goal is to achieve a 4.0 GPA but so far I’ve realized it’s going to be more of a challenge than I had originally expected. I want to make the most out of my college experience, learning as much as possible but having fun along the way also.

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Google Images: Studying Meme, Miami

Limitations this Semester

I am enrolled in 5 courses this semester, four at BBC and one at MMC. I work part time near my house to pay for my insurance, gas and books. My car I bought all by myself, after working and saving for two years. I have a younger brother and sister, my parents are very limited financially so I have to work extra hard. Everything that I have right now I have earned, nothing has ever been handed to me. Through hard work and dedication you can accomplish anything!


Google Images: Shia Meme